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7 Resources: People (0); Podcasts (0); Organisations (0); Tools (0) Articles (7)
European Accessibility Act (EAA): Top 20 Key Questions Answered
Some of the most intriguing and frequently asked questions about the EAA
European Accessibility Act Implemented into Irish Law
Overview of the Irish implementing measures
Ireland Digital Accessibility Laws: EAA and Beyond
An overview of the EAA in Ireland, the law’s key provisions concerning digital accessibility, and how it relates to the broader landscape of Irish accessibility laws.
Making a positive change: PDF to HTML
We must take care to make our content as easy to understand and accessible as possible. This article discusses PDF and climate change, Legal documents and PDF, and What research proves HTML is better than PDF?
Summary of Directive (EU) 2019/882
Article on the European Accessibility Act
The Potentially Dangerous Non-Accessibility Of Cookie Notices
Cookie notices have the potential to violate web accessibility laws. In this piece, a WCAG auditor shares some cookie banner error patterns that can massively hurt a page’s overall conformance.